One Forest World Amanda Chapman One Forest World Amanda Chapman

How One Little Country Can Change the Whole World

I’m not one for making New Year’s Resolutions. Too much pressure for me. I know the things I need to work on and I trust my inner guidance to help send me in the right directions. But, I do slip and fall on occasion and I would rather skip the guilt and disappointment that accompanies that or when I “break” my intentions.

Instead, for 2025 I’ve decided that for each month, I’m going to…

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One Forest World Amanda Chapman One Forest World Amanda Chapman

If You Move Like You’re in Water… It’s Quite Safe on Land —Ellen Barrett

I wish I could take credit for the above title, but alas, all due credit goes to fitness expert and women’s wellness advocate, Ellen Barrett. Ellen and I go way back, around 20+ years ago, when I first discovered one of her exercise DVDs, and I haven’t stopped working out (or as she likes to call it-”mindful body movement”) alongside her since then. There have been times I’ve gotten lazy or tried other teachers, but I’ve always returned to her. For me, she’s a great fit of...

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