How One Little Country Can Change the Whole World
I’m not one for making New Year’s Resolutions. Too much pressure for me. I know the things I need to work on and I trust my inner guidance to help send me in the right directions. But, I do slip and fall on occasion and I would rather skip the guilt and disappointment that accompanies that or when I “break” my intentions.
Instead, for 2025 I’ve decided that for each month, I’m going to…
If You Move Like You’re in Water… It’s Quite Safe on Land —Ellen Barrett
I wish I could take credit for the above title, but alas, all due credit goes to fitness expert and women’s wellness advocate, Ellen Barrett. Ellen and I go way back, around 20+ years ago, when I first discovered one of her exercise DVDs, and I haven’t stopped working out (or as she likes to call it-”mindful body movement”) alongside her since then. There have been times I’ve gotten lazy or tried other teachers, but I’ve always returned to her. For me, she’s a great fit of...