One Forest World Amanda Chapman One Forest World Amanda Chapman

How One Little Country Can Change the Whole World

I’m not one for making New Year’s Resolutions. Too much pressure for me. I know the things I need to work on and I trust my inner guidance to help send me in the right directions. But, I do slip and fall on occasion and I would rather skip the guilt and disappointment that accompanies that or when I “break” my intentions.

Instead, for 2025 I’ve decided that for each month, I’m going to…

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One Forest World Amanda Chapman One Forest World Amanda Chapman


Some of you may recall the movie, Signs, back in 2002, starring Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix, which focused on a family trapped in grief and sorrow, who also happened to be caught up in an extraterrestrial invasion of Earth. (BTW-I choose to believe that the ETs are NOT out to get us 😉). I personally think this film is one of M. Night Shyamalan’s finest. The “signs” started out as a series of intricate patterns of circles and lines carved into crops, but also came to represent a deeper meaning through a series of events that ultimately led to the movie’s finale, demonstrating poignant themes of faith, kinship, and forgiveness.

I won’t give away the movie’s ending, but I will say that it wasn’t really about the aliens-rather, it was about how a mysterious phenomenon encapsulated in fear acted as a portal into spiritual healing.

Gather round children, I’d like to tell you a story…

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